Attention to detail is at the forefront of my artistic expressions. I am captivated by the ways in which detail can highlight the purpose and function of an art piece. My work is fundamentally centered around intricate process and decoration. These components are crucial for my creative inspirations, which I find mostly in people and nature. As an artist I have indulged in many different art forms, though pottery and drawing have been my passion.

I am stimulated by the movement of clay and how it evokes our senses. This tangible material requires a mastery of technique, time and patience in order to ensure functionality. Decoration is a key element of my work that is expressed through design methods and visual inspiration. A technique called slip-trailing is how I dress the surface of each vessel. I draw inspiration from patterns that I see or imagine, floral patterns being most attractive. I think about an elegant balance between traditional and contemporary pottery, as it represents my philosophies as an artist. The process of throwing is a gratifying learning experience that continues to grow my curiosities. 

Portraits are most interesting for me to draw. I enjoy the little details that each human face has to offer, as we are all made different. The ability to draw mostly in grayscale stems from my passion for black and white photography. I have always been attracted to the contrasting elements black and white photography presents. My intention is to create a dramatic visual and emotional experience for the viewer as each drawing contains their own unique significance and inspiration.